Energy unbound

Based on decades of experience in the energy sector around the world we advise companies, NGOs, and multilateral organisations on dealing with a wide range of challenges arising from the global energy transition


The energy transition now in progress is the first ever for mankind.

Novel sources of energy in the past (coal, oil, nuclear) did not drive out older ones; they were simply added. This time around, the world actually needs to replace carbon based fuels or render them carbon neutral: an unprecedented challenge


The energy transition provides both opportunities and challenges, but there are no free or easy solutions.

Only massive investment in decarbonisation of the world's energy infrastructure can yield the necessary results, and much of this will not be economically viable without significant government intervention


There are excellent de-carbonising energy solutions available for almost all circumstances.

Often, the most affordable. practical, and effective solutions combine renewables energy sources with low-carbon energy supply and with short-term energy storage.

London based, globally active

Contact Us

Energy Unbound Ltd
incorporated in England

Marc den Hartog

+44-757976 9898

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